December 02, 2006

Make the yuletide gay

Just out of curiosity, did I miss the big beta parade? I must have, for everything seems to be going that way. And I missed it, so now I'm stuck playing catch up. GRR! Oh well, better than never, right? We have a teacher affiliated with our school who has yet to learn how to use his e-mail account, and is "doing" it this week. He's been in the district for awhile. We'll see. I guess I'm not as far behind as some and I can live with that. I even have my own website for school:

So it is December. Brigadoon seemed to go pretty well. A well-respected theatre person in this area (I certainly cannot understand how this person earned this reputation, but I certainly don't agree with it!) who is notorious for sharing the most truthful and ripping opinion possible at all times even said it was beautiful. Yay! I don't think highly of this person's opinion about theatre, but I know it meant a lot to our director and other members within the cast.

Some friends and I are doing one old Christmas movie a weekend throughout this month. I came up with the idea, and I find it absolutely genious. Okay, I just love nostalgia, there, you happy? Last weekend it was White Christmas. This weekend's marquee is reading, Miracle on 34th Street (which was originally released in JULY of 1946! Can you believe it?). I love these old movies. Particularly with friends. It's better with hot drinks to go around (Chai has my vote). It's immensely improved with the serving of a soup of your choice in a bread bowl. If you have not tried this night in, I highly recommend it. If Christmas songs are sung or lights are looked at, it's improved even more. Sigh.

There are 14 school days left for us, but I'm okay with getting out on December 21. I love not having to go back until January 8!!!!!!! It doesn't feel as rushed. It gives me time to truly appreciate a good vacation. Especially since the semester ends prior to this break. Huzzah!

I've seen a couple of good movies lately. I liked The Prestige (but found it predictable). I laughed enough to lose 5 pounds in For Your Consideration. And I found that even Will Farrell's appeal can grow when he's working in a film with my favorite actress, Emma Thompson in Stranger than Fiction. Good times.

I spent Thanksgiving with about 24 or so people, most of whom I am related to. It was weird. We spent it at my aunt and uncle's place in Sparks (just outside of Reno). Their oldest, Bradley, went to Chicago on Monday with the family (this week) to start his training for the Navy. That's the third of my cousins, and I'll bet I have a couple more soon. It's so weird. Each of them is younger than me, and still can seem childlike in my eyes. I love them so much, and wish them all the safety possible. So, it was good, but it was bittersweet.

The song comes from "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" from Meet Me in St. Louis.

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