March 24, 2007

Why does this always happen, I should be outside playing

So I'm stressed again. I know, big news, so what Lynette? It's been a particularly bad couple of weeks. Last week was the end of a grading period for us. We change classes literally each quarter, and we don't get a break between 3rd and 4th quarter. So in addition to getting the finals prepared, final grades tallied, and getting the the grades in (without a minimum day, I might add), we also have to be prepped for new classes the Monday following. Icky yes?

Yes. It is. Particularly when the week had this handicap in the mix. I was the only teacher who was in attendance each day for the full time. Dave's wife had their sixth baby (finally a boy!) on Monday, so he took the whole week off. Since their girls are homeschooled, this was a very wise decision. Sue's mom had a stroke and Sue's sister is recovering from pneumonia as well. She was either gone or left extremely early every day this week. And since there are three teachers at our school, guess who was left with this? Dealing with the kids panicking about the fact that they have about one more week of free dress before we begin the uniforms. Scheduling the differences of classes since next week is proficiencies. Getting all the kids entered for the MAP tests in about a month (it had to be in by Monday). When you consider the fact that I also have had my SIOP class all day on Saturdays the last two weeks (and my last one is next week, this week we had a break), I imagine it would be obvious that I'm exhausted. Not sleeping well for the last two weeks hasn't helped, either.

But wait, there's more!

I've had to get the ball rolling for Kristen's wedding shower in a couple of weeks, since I'm the only local bridesmaid. And I'm taking Spanish, choir, tap, and Millie. Oh, and I've had to get the dress, I need a wig for Millie, and and and . . . I need a month long vacation. Spring Break is in two weeks. And I'm taking this Friday as a mental health/eye examination day.

How does all of this happen? I really couldn't say.

As a result, I've been missing a lot of the fantastic weather we've been having of late. It's supposed to get colder for a week or so. It's been toying with us lately. I think it was Wednesday when we had some snow in the morning, and it was back up to 65 in the afternoon. Sigh.

Well, sorry for this whiner of a post. I need to get it off my chest. I've had my crying breakdowns, and I know this will help too. The title comes from "Book Report" from You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown. I like that Charlie Brown is a procrastinator, claiming he works best under pressure. I feel like I can identify with that. At least all my grad school stuff is in right now!

March 09, 2007

Ah sweet mystery of life at last I've found thee!

My shoulders hurt. No, scratch that. My upper back hurts. For the second time in two weeks. Last week my thighs also hurt. Why is this you ask? Oh, merely the evilness that is EXERCISE!!!!!!!!!

I admit it, I'm not much in favor of it. I'd rather read. Or nap. Or watch a movie. Or chat with a good friend. Or go to the library. Or, or, or . . .

I don't quite know why this is. I feel good when I exercise. I tend to be pretty energetic afterwards. I like the fact that I'm not just letting life happen to my body, but I am taking control over it--well, I like the idea of that at any rate. I just have a hard time with the motivation. Whether I do it by myself, with a friend, whatever! It's pathetic I know.

I think I may have found something that can have a stronger pull for my appeal. The New York City Ballet Workout Volume I. I have always loved dance (a huge reason for me to enjoy doing musicals; to improve this!). This workout DVD is actually many of the workout routines that the NYC ballet company does daily! So that is a really cool thing in my eyes. Another reason I think I can like it is it seems to be pretty ballet based. I mean, I'm doing plies, degages, relleves (sp?), first-fifth positions. That helps. And I can do it when I want, and NO ONE IS WATCHING ME!!!!!!! Major bonus!

I just may by the 2nd volume to add some spice to what I do. I hope to keep it up, but I'll say it's stronger than my last few attempts at a workout routine!

The lyrics come from a song used in Millie called "I'm Falling in Love With Someone". Or in this case, a something!