March 19, 2008

I Wanna Be Where the People Are . . .

Crazy! A new Anne book? I'm intrigued and nervous at the same time. Let's hope it stays truer to the stories than Scarlett did to Gone With the Wind. Check this article out:

I also got a book today that makes me excited. A Choose Your Own Adventure style book for Jane Austen!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to get started and see if my Elizabeth Bennett choices actually get her with Darcy or Mr. Knightly or . . .

Next week is Spring Break. I'm heading to Ashland! Woo-hoo!!!!!! I'm seeing Midsummer, The Clay Cart, and Fences. Fun times!

Yes, the song is "Part of Your World" from The Little Mermaid. It recently opened on Broadway and some of my NYC friends have seen it. Oh so jealous am I!

1 comment:

sugarbumkin said...

Little Mermaid on B-way? Whoa!!!