April 06, 2010

I haven't seen a crocus or a rosebud

It's the beginning of my spring break. Wa-Hoo!!! However, I've been going over the schedule for the week. It is just as busy and filled as any other week. It's only devoid of mandatory work (though I intend to go in and gradegradegrade). I think if I ever slow down I would truly die. Like, that's the end of life as I know it, and no that's not a joke.

My show is next week. I'm enjoying it, but scared about how strong I am on my lines. Playing 14 roles. Transitions within the scenes that do not seem to be logical at all. However it is a powerful show. Despite all the controversy surrounding it I honestly think it's one that everyone who sees it will agree and disagree with various sections. I truly appreciate the cast. I laugh a lot and cause a lot of laughter as well. All in all, it's a good experience. I haven't done anything this heavy since . . . perhaps it's the heaviest play I've ever participated in. I can appreciate the love and ease of a comedy, but a drama touches the soul and is what can change lives.

I'm going prom dress shopping this week. Yes you read that correctly. I am going to be chaperoning this year's prom. At 30, I'm going to my first prom. The amusement I find myself noticing over this situation seems to know no end. Feel free to chuckle along with me.

The title of this post is lifted from the lyrics of "It Might as Well be Spring" from State Fair. I'm incredibly sick of our ridiculous weather we have here. I hate that we never have a spring. I hate that the weather teases me with a week of decent weather and then slams me with snow and freezing rain. Ugh. I miss Exeter. I really felt there was a magic in the spring there. Nevada SUCKS!!!!!!!!!

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