July 23, 2006

It's too darn hot!

I leave for Oregon tomorrow! Yay for vacation! Yay for roadtrips! Yay for the friends I'll see! Yay for the Shakespeare plays I'm seeing! Yay for a mom who'll go with me!!!!!!!!

Here's the deal though. I get back Thursday. I move in as much as I can within a few precious hours on Friday. From Friday night until Wednesday night I watch Benji and Jonathan. Tuesday night I'm auditioning for Brigadoon and Wednesday night is the callback for this play. Am I overbooking myself? Hard to tell . . .

So this is a short post, and I apologize. I'm just tired. Tired and hot. My car is boiling with no a/c. My apartment (not for long!!!) is hot. Even when it cools down at night the furniture retains the heat. I've taken to spraying water on the bedspread on top of which I sleep. That's just so I can fall asleep. I bought a bike tonight for three great reasons: 1) Fun 2) Excercise 3) To cool off. I'm hoping I can take it with me to Oregon.

The title of the post comes from the song titled the same. It's from Kiss Me Kate.

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