November 26, 2007

And then I'd sit and think some more!

1.Does anyone know your password to your MySpace besides yourself?:
My mom. She gets on it now and then to see pictures of the nieces.

2. What was the last thing you ordered at McDonalds?:
A coke and fries like a year ago. I had the weirdest craving!

3. Are you an emotional person?
Some would say yes. Some would say, "Nope. She's a drama queen!"

4. Do you like your middle name?
I guess. It's very old-fashioned. I like the sound of it with my first name.

5. Do you believe in love at first sight?:
No way!

6. Does the person you like know that you like them?:
I have no real crush right now. For some reason, Josh Groban has been missing my not-so-subtle declarations . . .

7. What was the last thing you did?:
Changed clothes

8. Ever been in love?:

9. Who was the last person you ate with?:
My parents, Karl, and Karl's son Nick

10. What song are you listening to now?
Whatever's in my head at the moment. "Jingle Bell Rock," but probably because I'm singing it for Sweet Sounds next week.

11. How's the weather right now?:
Getting cold and overcast.

12. Last person who called you?:
Caitlin to see if she could bring me the soup she made for me to feel better with!

13. Last lie you told?
"I want to play Romeo! It's my dream role. I can't wait to play that whiny guy!" (Chris and I were talking about his R&J auditions in January and how I'm probably going to audition early with Dana).

14. Last song you sang?
"Silent Night"--Harmony, of course.

15. Do you love anyone?:
Many, many people!

16. Lost a friendship over something stupid?:

17. Last thing you drank?:
Dr. Pepper

18. Last thing you ate?:
The grilled steak quesadilla from Q-Doba

19. Where do you wish you were?

20. Faked being sick to miss school?:

21. What time did you wake up today?:
5 a.m.

22. Last person you talked to?:

23. Last person that made you laugh?:

24. What are you wearing right now?
socks, underwear, slippers, and my wonderful robe.

26. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?

27. Where are you right now?:
couch of my apartment

28. What day and date is it?
Monday, November 26

31. What else are you doing today?

32. Are you watching TV?:

33. Are you mature or immature?:
Usually mature I hope.

34. Are you closer to your mom or dad?

36. What school do you go to?:
NNU grad program, WNC for tap, CHS for teaching

37. What's the most annoying thing people say to you?:
"Ms. Brown, I need a printout of my grade today." (Of course, this always happens DURING class without warning!).

38. Do you like music?:
Oh yes indeedy!

39. Do you want to get married?:
Some days. Other days no.

41. Where did you go on vacation last summer?:

42. Would you bungee jump?:
Not anytime soon.

43. Do you like rollercoasters?
Oh yeah!

44. Is there anything you wish for every summer?:

45. Do you use chopsticks?:
Not well.

46. What's your favorite meal of the day?:
Depends on what I'm in the mood for. Probably dinner because it's usually the least rushed.

47. Thinking of someone right now?:

48. Concerned about life right now?:
Never having enough time and being stuck in a rut.

49 Have you ever tripped going up the stairs?:
I've even tripped on walls!

50. What are you looking forward to this spring?
Learning if I got into LTSF!

The title is probably pretty familiar. It's from "If I Only Had a Brain" from The Wizard of Oz.

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