December 20, 2005

Oh what a show!

So . . . . our play was a smash hit!!!!!!! HUZZAH!!!!!!!!! It’s been 2 years since I’ve directed something, and I was nervous. And to direct kids is an incredible feat; I challenge anyone to try it without tearing hair out. No, in actuality, we had a great cast who got along fairly well. We had our backstage drama (like the kid who was Ralph putting safety pins through his lip, tongue, etc. and making our Gladys feel queasy the rest of the night), but it was relatively minor.

And we had mostly full audiences. Friday we had about five seats left, Sat. afternoon, I took one, Sat. evening, about three, and Sunday matinee none! Sunday was the true miracle because we had a snowstorm and honestly considered canceling the show. I’m so glad we didn’t.

We had a great response from every audience, too. I mean GREAT!!!!!!!! Jessica and her family came from Kansas, and we were able to put Leigha (my 5 year old niece) into the show on Sat. night—she was so excited. She kept meeting people in the cast and saying, “I’m the new baby angel!” Anyway, back on track, I’ve done this show A LOT!!!!!! Our church in California did it every five years. When I was 13 our church did it AND my school did it; within a week of each other. Many of us were in both productions. So I’ve been in the show three times, and I’ve directed a scene from it before, too. You’d think I’d be sick of a play that I memorized 12 years ago and haven’t forgotten, but nope!

My dad was so funny. He told me that when he heard I was directing this, he thought, “Man, I have to see it again?” He told me when it was over that it was very funny and he enjoyed it. The thing is my dad will encourage me and support me all the time. But if he came up and said, “Good job kiddo!” that’s all I would have expected from him. The fact that he said it was funny and he enjoyed it was a true compliment.

And so now, since I’m feeling nostalgic about it, here are some highlights that I loved:

~Lissa Baker. Period. We threw her in as a nurse, and then asked her to play an angel during the “pageant” so she could help the kids we had sign “Silent Night” during the “pageant”. She stepped in as a fireperson, too. Every time she was onstage, I was cracking up. As the nurse, begging Mrs. Armstrong to take the pill and finally popping it herself, to being the fireperson saying, “Don’t worry; we’re professionals,” to her singing off-key and loud for the pageant! Thank you Lissa.

~Mikayla running up and hugging us with such enthusiasm all the time, and always remembering her lines—not everyone can do that at 6!

~Tessa and Emily for watching Mikayla and Charlie backstage, and for being so funny with their “twinness” and “crushes on Charlie (the character, not the 5 year old)”.

~My niece for being so dang cute and singing “Silent Night” with “Round young merciful and child,” instead of the actual lyrics. She was also very good backstage I heard.

~All the kids and adults for having fun with their characters and doing a good job at them.

~Dave Anderson for playing for the “pageant”.

~Ashlee never missing a line or cue, nor complaining about walking even though she had knee surgery in October—that girl was determined to do a good job, and she did! I also loved her line, “And arriving from the East, like my uncle from New Jersey, the wisemen . . .”

~Warren for being the “Hip Christian Father” and going all out for it. Leoney and Liz laughed when he walked onstage in his Christmas sweaters and khakis—It’s the first time I’ve seen him genuinely wear things like that. He’s the king of black pants, a Batman t-shirt, and a black vest. Yay Warren!

~Stephanie for doing the show even though it wasn’t up her alley.

Thank you cast, I love you!

The title comes from Evita from the song, "Oh What a Circus!"

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