December 28, 2005

Happy Almost New Year . . .

Sooooooooo Christmas was wonderful. I mean it! It was probably the best one I've had in years. It was better than feeling lousy and playing games at my parents' house with just Janina. It beat driving over ten hours both ways to get to San Diego, sitting in the back seat and feeling like a seven year old again. Yes, it was wonderful! I spent Christmas Eve at my parents' home. We went to church on Christmas Eve as opposed to getting up early on Christmas morning. We drove around looking at lights after dinner at El Charro's (unfortunately the waitress who seems to enjoy not charging me for my food wasn't our server). We opened our gifts.

On Christmas, we opened our stockings. We lounged around, and then we had dinner in Carson at Uncle Jacque and Aunt Laurie's. MMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!! Good food; I'm glad I'm blessed enough to be surrounded by family members who can cook!

All in all, Christmas was relaxing. That's my favorite type. Especially since school got out on the 21st (but we don't go back until the 9th!), and it was relatively hectic! I have no grading though--HUZZAH! I have an eye appointment tomorrow. I'm signed up for the three computer Praxis exams next Wednesday. I have the English pedagogy Praxis on the 7th. I'm visiting Seattle from tomorrow until Jan. 2nd. Yay! I've never been there! I'll be visiting another NNUite, Esther! The one who told me once, "Lynette, you have the best table dancing hair I've ever seen!" Uh, thanks? It's on my list of weird compliments, which I seem prone to getting.

Oh! Last night I saw The Producers! I laughed harder than I think I ever have in the movie theater before. Oh my goodness--anyone at all interested in theatre should see it! Uma Thurman's singing left much to be desired, but other than that everyone was wonderful! So funny, so very, very funny . . .

I hope everyone else had a good Christmas, and will have a great New Year's. The title comes from the song, "Merry Almost-Christmas," from A Year With Frog and Toad. Janina did that this month, and it's adorable, at TMCC. She's going to be Little Becky Two-Shoes in Urinetown with them in March. I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!

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