January 13, 2007

La post nasal drip!

Has anyone else ever been beat to a bloody pulp by a cold? Where it doesn't feel like a normal illness, but that it wants to take revenge for all the colds you've avoided? I've only had two like this; before the one I've been battling for more than two weeks. I wasn't thrilled when it reared it's nasty head, but thought "Hey, I'm on vacation, maybe it'll be over by school!" Not likely. I've been taking two hour naps every day. I've been going to bed between 9-10 every night. I've avoided all liquids, save for water, tea (not even Chai, because I'm trying to avoid dairy with this thing), and my medicines (I was doing Dayquil and Nightquil. I've shifted to Theraflu. Also been using Chloraseptic and Airborne). I haven't been overly active. WHY WON'T IT LEAVE ME?????

Last Saturday, I went to Belle's Tea Cottage to catch up with Lissa and some of her friends/family whom I've met. Her mom is a pharmacist and asked me about the sore throat that is the 2nd worst part of this cold (we'll get to number one). I said it was more scratchy, and she said that was a result of post nasal drip. Fabulous.

Now, the worst part of this cold has been my voice for the last 4 1/2 days. It's not quite gone, but it's been affected. I don't want to talk to much, because I can feel it wanting to go. Normally I'm thrilled at this situation, because I love the new sound my voice takes on. However, with auditions for You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown and Thoroughly Modern Millie on Tuesday, and callbacks both Wednesday and Thursday, I'm not nearly as thrilled. I've already e-mailed the director and explained my plight and asked for suggestions. She gave me several, and said I didn't need to come to auditions if my voice is still weak.

Anyway, that's my whining post for the month of January (not that I intend to make this a monthly thing). The title of this post is from the song "Adelaide's Lament" from Guys and Dolls.

1 comment:

Devon said...

Hey, this is completely unrelated to your post, but I had to tell you this story. Ok, anecdote. I recently started running (bleh) and I listen to my IPOD of course--any fast showtunes with a good running beat. There's some good ones on Wicked, but my favorite I discovered today: "Old Bamboo" on Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Why is it my favorite, you ask? Because nothing motivates me like the memory of Michael Ball's sweaty face as he tries to dance around that bamboo stick. LOL!