February 17, 2007

But she won't discover that it's him till chapter three!

Okay, the classic BIRTHDAY post!!!!!!!! Yay! This year, I've decided my list will include books throughout the years--I'm shooting for some from those actual years, but I may need to fudge some. However, from years 5 and up is pretty darned accurate.

1) Peter Rabbit
2) Christian Mother Goose
3) Green Eggs and Ham
4) The Berenstein Bears and Too Much TV
5) Wet Grass (one story I remember reading for myself in Kindergarten)
6) The Baby-sitters Club--Claudia and the Phantom Phone Caller (my first chapter book!)
7) The Story of Helen Keller
8) Ramona Forever
9) Anne of Green Gables
10) Little Women
11) Big Guy and Little Women (quite funny as I recall)
12) The President's Daughter
13) A Midsummer Night's Dream
14) Gone With the Wind
15) Death on the Nile
16) Pride and Prejudice
17) The Iliad
18) Macbeth
19) Medea
20) Jane Eyre
21) Roughing It
22) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (the British version!)
23) To the Lighthouse
24) Cheaper by the Dozen
25) Murder on the Orient Express
26) Frankenstein
27) (One I'd like to read this year) The Turn of the Screw

The title comes from the song "Belle" from Beauty and the Beast. Hopefully my friends lunch at Olive Garden and then attending Bridge to Terabithia with a potential visit to the Nevada Art Museum for a cool exhibit tomorrow will make for a fun celebration. Happy birthday to me . . .

1 comment:

Kara said...

Happy B-day, Lynette (late of course)! That was a fun post. :) I'd have to work really hard to come up with mine.
Miss you, friend. I enjoy your Xmas updates. You do so many fun things!
~ Kara