February 02, 2007

Shaking the Blues Away

I understand that part of my moodiness of late is due to many circumstances; the illness that wanted to take me over, my slight accident (hitting the wall of the highway thanks to an unforseen patch of ice--thank goodness it was a day of bad snow so I was driving like an overcautious granny anyway), the fight, our testing fiasco, shows, etc. Yes circumstantial annoyances have certainly added to my moodiness. It drives me insane, but I'm trying to find that optimism I've hidden so well so I can move on in life.

It's tough.

I am not a fan of depression, wallowing, winter, and such so this ridiculous pesky mood that won't shake is really driving me nuts. Anyone have a good antidote for the blues? None of mine seem to be working, and I'm getting desperate. Okay, maybe not desperate, but irritated enough to truly want a way out of it (I'm an actress, and our emotions always seem to be amplified by 20).

So I'll listen very carefully to Irving Berlin's "Shaking the Blues Away" (which Ann Miller sang in the wonderfully fun Easter Parade) to see if one of America's most prolific songwriters has any good advice for me to follow in my quest to rid myself of the icky melancholy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Take a shower, really take your time too. Put on makeup, try on your sassiest outfit, pick out your favorite jewelry and put it all on. Then take yourself out to coffee or dinner or dancing, which ever you like best.