August 16, 2004

Follow your heart

Well Tiff and I had a good time when she was up here. I took her to see Virginia City, and Kristen and I took her to see The Princess Diaries 2. Thoroughly enjoyable film. Fluff, nothing like the books, but still fun. It would've been nice if she could have stayed longer. She seemed to really enjoy this country we call Nevada. We even both took our first old time photograph. Refined ladies in the bar holding a parasol and liquor (me), and a fan and a revolver (Tiffany).

Rehearsals have begun for both shows. I think I'm going to adore these experiences if they continue as the initial week has. I feel very fresh and completely alive when I'm there. Theatre breathes into me a spirit which allows me to feel more independent and free. I don't know that I can fully explain what it does to me, for words do not feel sufficient.

I'm very excited to start school again. I loved teaching more than I thought, and I miss my students. It will feel great to be back in my classroom.

This title is a phrase in the song "Follow Your Heart," from Urinetown. I suppose in a small way, I feel like I am. It feels . . . right. Liberating. Fun.

Oh, and a happy 25th birthday congrats to Kristen and 24th birthday to Esther. I gave Kristen a Glenbrooke basket, which is a series written by Robin Jones Gunn. Fun to read, though it lacks the challenge I usually select when picking my literature. I need a break every now and then and settle solely on fun.

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