August 28, 2004

It's a maze this garden, it's a maze of ways . . .

School begins on Tuesday. The question is: will my classrooms be ready? In the style of Mr. Collins from the A&E film of Pride and Prejudice "I say classrooms, for there are a couple." No, I will not launch my writing to brag about a fireplace which cost 800 pounds, shelves in a closet (happy thought indeed), or anything else to praise Lady Catherine DeBourgh.

They had to really change things around this year. All of the high school classes, with the exception of Sciences, are to be held in the church. The new history teacher and I share both the church classroom and my own. She will also be teaching Bible in the Science classroom! I think it'll be okay, just a little odd at first.

I'm completely thrilled at beginning with The Iliad, Medea, Antigone, and The Odyssey for the high school classes. And I do mean thrilled! I'm a tad nervous, since I've never taught them before, but I think it'll be great. They are interesting enough that if they are taught correctly, I think my students will like them as well. YEAH!
Rehearsals for both shows continue on and are fun. I've been working hard on my Alto harmony for Carousel, since I've never done that show before. Plus, it's just more fun to sing that harmony. Last night, the acid test was given, and I think I passed it! Bob had each of us blocked for the the last scene, the graduation ceremony. I'm sitting in the front row with Maria (Julie), Nanette (Nettie), and Taner (who is supposedly my 13 yr old daughter in that scene!). Both Nanette and Maria have very beautiful, strong, almost operatic soprano voices. As we were going through it, I was attempting to concentrate on my harmony (and sing it as loud as possible since we are the minority), Nanette turned and told me I had a beautiful singing voice! YEAH!
I'm loving the people I'm meeting, and having an all around great time. I wonder how it is that people cannot enjoy doing theatre? We're almost always labled "strange" and such, but it's so much fun! We need more guys in both shows, but particularly Carousel. I know it may not be ethical, but I keep thinking it would be amusing to tell all of my high school boys that the grade earned will reflect whether or not they joined the cast. I know I won't, but it would be funny.
This post's title is both representing the quest to make it to my classroom (prepared) for my classes, and how I feel from running everywhere this week. It's been insane, and I haven't felt completely 100% healthy as a result. However, almost everything has now been accomplished and it's ready to go. These lyrics are from the very awesome musical The Secret Garden. It's high on my lists of things to see. I adore the music in it, so it's one of my favorites not yet seen. If you get a chance to see it or hear it, please do! It will not be something you'll regret!

1 comment:

Devon said...

Wasn't The Scarlet Pimpernel wonderful? Now you know why Kandice, Tammy, and I all stayed in Salt Lake City an extra day to see it again!

"Liberte,egalite, fraternite!"
"That dreadful twitch again, what?"