September 08, 2005

And you'll knock 'em dead at dinner if your gown just drips with fringe!

More trauma with CFY costumes. I have tried on my "Faux Follies Filly" costume (I was calling it "Faux Follies Female" which Bob laughed at, and then changed to this name, which I like a lot more!), and I cringe at the fringe! Actually, I suppose it's not THAT bad, and I should be grateful that I don't have to wear my cropped sailor outfit anymore. Try this for an alternative: A crushed velvet white leotard, with silver sequins all over it, and a double layer of fringe for my skirt. Oh, and lest we forget, I also have silver wristbands, a silver collar, a hat with feathers taller than my 5"5" self, and silver stillettos. And the best part? As I wear that at the end, I get to stand with my arms extended and I get to bevel. For approximately 7 minutes. That's right; seven. Without much (if any) movement. Lordy, I'm excited!!!!!!

Here's the fun part; Gina said, "Lynette, do you have a padded bra? Because you'll need one in that outfit." No! No! I do NOT own a padded bra! I realize I look like a 12 year old kid in that costume! I don't want a padded bra! However, I have to get one. Hmph.

This rivals the time in high school when I came out for our first performance of Phantom having not buttoned my waitress dress at all, and was gaping in all my white and bra-ish glory. I realized it and remedied the situation quickly before many people noticed, but my choir teacher who did said, "Lynette! I couldn't believe it! Of all the people to come out unbuttoned! At least you're not very well endowed!" Thank you Mrs. Johnson. The experience wasn't humiliating enough without that added dig. Sigh. That was 8 years ago. You'd think I'd be able to move on with life, but people have to bring you back, huh?

School is still going well. Only one kid seems to be even remotely what I was expecting behavior-wise. Huzzah! I can feel them relaxing a bit, so I've got to stay firm. But it's nice to know that these kids will accept it.

The title comes from the song "Beautiful Girls" used in my favorite of classic movie musicals, Singin' in the Rain. Good times.

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