December 25, 2004

May your days be merry and bright!

It's officially Christmas!!!!! It's been so for fifteen minutes!!!!!! Merry Christmas Bedford Falls! Oops, wrong thing. :) I do love Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed in It's a Wonderful Life. Perhaps I will watch that today, since I've not yet this season. Excellent film. At exactly midnight, I was driving to Dayton with Janina, and the all Christmas music station began to play "White Christmas" with the amazing Bing Crosby. Seriously, is there any other person who can sing that song and sound right? I may be very biased, considering the fact that I should have been born in 1935 and in love with Bing since childhood, but I really don't think so. Every time I hear it, I think of him.

Tonight was exciting. I saw Phantom of the Opera! I loved it! I saw it with Nina, Stephanie, Hana, and Eric (whom I've met a couple of times). It reaffirmed my love of Patrick Wilson. I was completely impressed with Emmy Rossum and Gerard Butler. Excellent film. No matter what anyone else thinks (Chris!), I do love this musical. It was certainly more amazing to see it from this close than the furthest balcony in the Marquis Theatre in NYC, or the Buell Theatre in Denver. This was the first show I ever saw on Broadway. Great show. I liked how they weaved more of the "newer" part in with the storytelling. I was caught up in the whole thing, and found myself crying. I rarely cry at movies (Though certain ones will get me over and over. Stupid sentimentality! I cried at the song "Puff the Magic Dragon" until I was 13, and will still tear up when I hear it now!), but it got me.

Janina and I have been having a grand old time in Dayton. Nothing but relaxing and having fun together has touched our agenda. We've watched several movies, played a lot of games, shopped, saw Finding Neverland together (another amazing movie), sang songs, and had a great time. I've finished The Da Vinci Code, and even figured out several parts of the mystery before they were revealed. I love doing that! Since I've never read any works by this author before, I was particularly proud of it. It certainly was an interesting story. I think I may have to do some research of my own to see how much of the things were actually true. I've finished through Act II of The Skin of Our Teeth--another very interesting read. It's a strange play, but I'm enjoying it. It's very imaginative so far, and I cannot predict what is going to happen next. The copy I have is neat, because it has original production pictures in it! Tallulah Bankhead and Montgumery Clift were in the original cast! How awesome is that?

Oh! Something fairly exciting has happened to me this week! While growing up in Exeter, I had several good friends. When we moved from Colorado, it broke my heart (considering I'd started Kindergarten in Exeter and they were the only friends I knew). I had a group of friends who meant a lot to me. I really don't keep in touch with most of them now, only Tracie on occasion, and she was my best friend. Well, I got an e-mail from one of them this week asking if my e-mail really was my e-mail. My good childhood friend, Jenifer Brasuel! We've e-mailed back and forth a couple of times this week, it's been neat. The last time I saw her (or anyone from Exeter) was when we went back the year I graduated high school so I could see my old class graduate (La Junta graduated in May. Exeter graduated in June). Things sure have been eventful for the both of us in the last 6 1/2 years, as I'm sure they'd be for most people! I've really gotten a kick out of hearing from her this week. She's married now, has a daughter who is almost a year old, and lives in Oregon. Speaking of Oregon . . .

I'm going to Oregon tomorrow! YES!!!!!!!! I'm going to visit my wonderful friend Devon. It's probably been about two years since I last saw her, so it'll be great to catch up. I'm planning on staying until Wednesday, so it'll be a nice break from Nevada. I realized that the last overnight trip I had that was actually a vacation was in April when I went to Sacramento with Kami Watson to see Julie McClure. Wow! Too long, imho. I love travelling. I love visiting friends. I love seeing other places. In high school, I really did consider becoming a travel agent, just so I could visit places and recommend them to people. Well, clearly that did not happen . . . yet. Perhaps someday I shall do this. After all, I'm going to be 25 in about two months, so who is to say that my life will stay just as it is now? Anyway, Devon and I will have a marvelous time, I'm sure! I may even get a chance to meet Steph, whom I heard a lot about in college and whose blog I now follow regularly. How exciting would that be?

Well, that wraps up my writing for today. The lyrics come from the song "White Christmas." This did not make it's debut in the movie of the same name, though many people think so. Nope! It actually comes from a musical written earlier called Holiday Inn. Bing was the original singer, just so you don't have to worry about that! It also starred the phenomenal Fred Astaire. I like White Christmas more. It became a stage musical this year, when a professional company did it in San Francisco. Esther got to see it! She really liked it. It starred Brian d'Arcy James, who was one of the first people I saw perform on Broadway (in Titanic) when I was 17. I fell in absolute love with his voice, which led up to a rather embarrassing letter I wrote . . . A long story for another time, perhaps. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!

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