February 03, 2005

For he's a fine, upstanding/patriotic/HEALTHY, normal American boy!

Yes, I do eat. Yes, I do like food. I will admit this, and I'm not sorry.

Recently I have received several comments about my weight. I've not been trying anything special, nor have I been doing anything on purpose. However, I apparently have been losing weight--too some noticeable degree. I was not aware of anything happening.

At the Soup Night/White Elephant exchange at church last month, several people mentioned it (ironically, I was one of the dessert judges, too!). Esther said something. Friends at church, every time I go seem to say something. My mother said something.

So, I checked. Yes, I have lost some pounds. Yeah! I'm noticing a difference in my clothing. I'm okay with this.

What I'm not okay with is the jokes and comments about being an anorexic or bulemic. I'm not! I've never seriously considered it, nor am I willing to look into it after almost 25 years of life!!!! I'm nowhere near being the most intelligent person on earth (though I do not consider myself stupid, either), but I'm intelligent enough to realize the danger which would be linked with such a decision.

I'm expending more energy. I'm "watching" what I eat more than before. I drink a lot of water, and tea. I do a lot of walking with my job and lifestyle. So, I just wanted to let the world know that any concern seems to be unfounded. I appreciate the caring and concern of all, but really, I am fine. And I'm not lying about this, either.

The lyrics come from the song of the same title in Bye Bye Birdie. Such a fun show! I was going with the obvious one from Oliver, but decided that these lyrics seemed to work better for the point I was trying to make.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you, Lynette! It's me, Kelsey...and I understand (Grandpa used to call me "anna"..."anna-rexic!"). :) Oh, and I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry I keep missing you on-line. You know I love you, right? Well, I do! <3