May 30, 2005

Open your arms to this warm, bright moment embracing us!

Well, here I am at the Jesse household. I've been here exactly a week--I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! I love being in a house again! I love having a dog! I love being in a mountain looking area! I love having a spa! I love doing laundry for free or without hauling it all to Dayton! I love parking in a carport! The whole thing is wunderbar. It's been pretty smooth sailing. It's also been fun to have guests: Chris, my cousin Halley (who is up for the week), and my family. Good times.

So school is ending soon. I can't believe there are only two weeks left of the year. 7 1/2 official days of school. Actually, since I'll be a chaperone on the 8th grade trip, it's technically 6 1/2 school days left. I am excited to go to Great America again. The last time I went was in 9th grade, just before we moved to Colorado. We went for my dad's birthday. My mom made it like a scavenger hunt. He only had directions to drive when she gave them to him (Get onto Hwy 99 until I tell you differently). That was the year I bragged for about three weeks to him, "My birthday present for you is the most expensive gift you've ever received, dad!" He kept trying to tell me that money didn't matter (although I'm sure he was dying with curiosity as to what it was and how I could afford the most expensive gift he'd ever received). When we gave our gifts, I saved mine for last. He opened the tiny box it was it. "Uh, Lynette, what is it?" "MY BRACES!!!!!!!" I'd had them taken off about three days before. Yes, it's gross, but I got the biggest kick out of that. C'mon, I was 14! He was a good sport and laughed with the rest of us.

Not much else to report. Our readthrough went okay. Auditions are on Tuesday, and for once I'm not obsessing. I know I'm singing "Hold On" from The Secret Garden. Actually, I'm more nervous for Janina, who is auditioning!!!!!!!!!!! Possibly, anyway. I think she's only trying out for Crazy for You, which isn't the smartest, since she doesn't tap dance. But, she doesn't want to be in a show through November, which is when Fiddler is. I just hope she makes it, because that would be cool.

The title of the post comes from the song "Vivez" from The Scarlet Pimpernel. I just felt like embracing all that is new and/or good in life.

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