October 19, 2004

Matchmaker, Matchmaker, I'm in no rush. Maybe I've learned, playing with matches a girl can get burned!

I realize it has been more of a brief period of passing time between my blogs than usual. I just want to get this off my chest!

What is it about being single that other people pity? The fact that I'm not tied down? The fact that I can indulge in more selfish behavior than they? The fact that I make the decisions of my life, and that (if I choose not to) I don't have to include anyone else in these decisions? The fact that I'm satisfied with my life, and they can't understand it??? URGH!!!!!!!!!!!

Lately, people have been making so many comments on the fact that I'm single, it seems like they've never met anyone in my position before!!!!!!!!! Here are some examples: 1) My entire 8th grade class has determined to set me up with ANY GUY before the end of the year! The fact that I've never dated one person seriously seems to truly bother them. 2) Merci, while talking to me before Clue asked me if I had a boy. We talked about it. She suggested that I go for single guys I know: aka Tony, Chris, and Leoney. 3) At ACSI, Mr. Libby teased me about a young guy looking single in our hotel, and the guy rode down the elevator with us and 10 other staff members commenting on how funny it was that he said it--with the random stranger in there!!!! 4) Sue Strekal telling me at the staff meeting that the artist who is sculpting the statue of Sarah Winnemucca was single, a Christian, and "pretty cute!" 5) Pat Smith has been noted to say that the fact that Jeanne and I aren't married is "the saddest thing I've ever heard." (7th grade). This is all within a two week period!

Do I seem unhappy? Unsettled? Unbalanced? Freakish? Honestly, do I? I don't view myself this way. I am content with my situation. Now, if I were to learn of a guy who had a mutual attraction to myself, I might be willing to get involved; provided certain standards were met. However, this does not appear to me to be the case at the moment, and I'm okay with this. I'm sick of getting teased (or not) in this manner, lately. Perhaps it is because it is such a concentrated period of time, but honestly!

I also don't want to start assuming that a guy means more than what is literally said, because people get worked up about that. I also had a hard experience during my freshmen year of college with a guy who was a friend, simply because others were assuming there was more. It took almost a year to put that experience behind me, just because of how things happened. I wasn't looking for more, but if it took me over a year to get over it and we were just friends. I don't want to imagine how awful I'd feel if I actually put my heart on the line with no clue whether or not it was mutual. It doesn't seem worth it. Pain may be a part of life, but if I can eliminate the unneccessary, I imagine that life is easier.

Anyway, I needed to vent. Thanks for reading. Oh, and the title of this post comes from the end of the song "Matchmaker" from Fiddler on the Roof.


Devon said...

Honey, I feel your pain!

Devon said...

I mean seriously-- do single people get "Yay, I'm single" showers with lots of presents? No. And lets not even talk about the difference between the celebration for a college graduation vs. a wedding. I think once you reach a certain age, people begin to think that ANYONE who is also single and that age would obviously be a perfect match for you (and besides, you're desperate, so even if they're not, you'll take them anyway). Boo!

Anonymous said...

ok ok ok, so we were all a little obsessed with your love life..i can't help but think of myself as a little matchmaker...hahaha...so...have you found anyone...YET??? lol, just kidding...
