October 02, 2004

Life upon the wicked stage ain't ever what a girl supposes

We have started the countdown; it is our last weekend of the show. Last night we had a great audience. Today we have two performances and our cast party. Tomorrow, we have a matinee, and then it's all over. :( I wish this was going on longer, as I adore our cast (with the obvious exception of one particular 14 year old. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I've asked people if my elbows are particularly attractive, or if they think I have some magnet in them, since she seems to be constantly at them! She literally shoves her way through my group at the end to stand right next to my elbow and sing off key!).

Let's see, I will miss:
-Seeing if I can beat the clock as Dawn (the Queen's) personal dresser, and my own under 2 minute transformation.
-Playing the not-so-intellectual Princess #12. It's a fun part, even if it is tiny.
-Chris' random comments and phrases. Last night we talked about plays and parts we'd done. In his backstage brilliance, he managed to come up with, "Parts come and go. Only the rocks will live forever."
-Playing third tree from the left during "Swamps of Home." I love that I get to say I've played third tree from the left! It's a classic theatre line, and now it's true!
-Seeing Chris and Stephanie's first kiss--it's so funny!
-Taylor's very talkative personality and random stories; last night it was about the various dogs her family owns and what is wrong with them. Let's just say this: one dog--no eyes, senile, snorts instead of breathes, runs into walls, and more.
-Going out with everyone afterwards and talking about everything.
-Leoney's wig.
-Laughing with Stephanie, Hana and Dawn about things my students have said or done.
-Sonja telling me about amazing history books that she's reading. I'm really interested in reading one now called Founding Mothers.
-Gladyce Jesse. Such a wonderful, kind woman.
-"Choreographing" the numbers. Brittany Walz is doing one of my creations. Chris is doing one now, too! Move over Gina! Lynette Brown will be doing it all from here on out!
-Darian and Katie. Those two are so sweet.
-Using my 1930's looking makeup case. I'll get to do it again in Carousel.
-Getting my microphone from Rich. He is really the most soft hearted man ever. But, I'll get to do that again for Carousel.
-Having people learn I am actually 24 and their looks of shock. Dawn actually started telling people that I was a 12 year old genious and am really 15!
-Dave Tillett bringing the entire cast treats!
-Alyss, Taylor and I putting on our makeup. We have the most interesting conversations.
-Pretending to be a cheerleader as I belt out "With an F! and an R! and an E! and a D! and an F-R-E-D, Fred! Yeah!"
-My blue dress for the chorus with my awesome blue necklace. It's so beautiful!
-Children asking for my autograph, since they've learned that I am Princess #12! :)

I could go on, but I'm sure this will suffice.

Oh, teaching anecdotes! This week was chock full of them!
1) Andrew on Tuesday morning, "Miss Brown, you look nice today! I like your hair that way (a braid!). Your earrings really bring out your face!" Uh-huh.
2) Jessie and Ashlee complaining I didn't give them enough bathroom time for school pictures yesterday. "We didn't get a chance to practice our smiles!"
I, naturally, respond, "How old are you two?"
"After thirteen years, you haven't mastered your smiles?"
Jessie, "I did lips, but I wanted to do teeth this year."

The title comes from the stage version of Showboat. I think the song is hilarious!

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