October 28, 2004

I shall SCREAM!!!!!!!!!

Well, I've had yet another week full of rocking emotions. These weeks are not so fun. I'm battling a constant feeling of frustration at the moment. Probably not the best thing to feel when I'm at school. The kids are all as mad as hatters, and every single one of them seems to think that I need to know how stark raving mad they are. Yes, and when I'm not in a particularly wonderful mood at the moment, that can be a dangerous thing to do. My next period is Bible with the notorious 8th grade class, and then I get my prep. Perhaps with some time without all the children around me, I'll feel better. Let's back up.

Monday, I was very excited for my date with Chris. The closer the time got, the less nervous I felt, which was a good thing. We went to an Indian food resturant in Carson that just opened. It was very yummy to my rookie tastebuds. I've never had Indian before, but based on what I tried, I'd highly recommend it. We talked about everything from London (still my favorite place, Dev) to high school dissections. Odd, perhaps, but still very fun. When he brought me home, he asked if I wanted to go out again sometime. Though yes would have been the easy answer, I knew I had to ask him about his spiritual beliefs before I could agree. We talked, and he's not a Christian. We're still friends, but that was tough for me.

I've also just learned that my 4 month old niece has a fairly pronounced heart murmur. My mom tried to explain to me what happened when the cardiologist examined her. Apparently, there is something that is supposed to develop around the heart before birth, but Brianna's didn't. The cardiologist said that if it develops before she's a year old (which is very common), then she'll be fine. If it doesn't, they'll have to perform a surgery. Pray for her, please. I know that it's expected to come out well, but I can't help but be nervous. She's little!

Carousel is going okay, but we open next week. We've not yet blocked everything. I get nervous about that (though I'm having fun with my friends in the cast).

Matt and Crissy, whom I introduced to each other in February, are getting married next week. I'm a bridesmaid. It's taking place on opening night of Carousel, so I'm in for a LONG day!!!!!!!!!! I'm happy for them, really, but it just makes me nervous that they've known each other less than a year and they're willing to start a life together. I suppose that since it is a choice they mutually made, I shouldn't butt in. When Crissy asked me about my thoughts on the matter in April (they were engaged in March), I told her what I thought. However, I also threw in the fact that since both are my friend, I'm going to support them.

The last day of the quarter, so I have a lovely weekend to look forward to. Actually, I don't have nearly the amount of grading I had expected, so that's nice. Plus, I recently bought Kenneth Branagh's "Henry V," so I can watch that in addition to some of the easy grading! :) Still, I think I'll be fairly busy. Since I am also the "Head Teacher" of the upper grades, I've had to write the letters about Parent/Teacher conferences, arrange a schedule for our three half days next week, arrange conferences, and create a conference schedule. No, please, add more. I love it!!!!!!

So, here I am. I feel like I am slowly going insane. Our Nevada weather is helping an awful lot, too. What with the icy rain and snow and such. I've been listening to Josh Groban a lot, to help relax, which has been a good thing for me. I've also gotten more into the habit of my regular journaling and reading of good books. I'm now in the midst of Founding Mothers, Animal Farm, Great Expectations, Wicked, Curtain, and I just bought Pearl Buck's The Good Earth as a possibility for next year, if I still teach at CCS.

Good things have happened, too. A couple of former students came to school recently, and we were able to have some good talks. Mr. Libby told the kids in chapel yesterday, "Well, guys, I wanted to tell you about an opportunity many of you may not be aware of. There is a college now, that does not charge admission because it is federally funded. They only accept a certain number of students, and only accept applicants every four years. Each state will have a branch of this college. It's called Electoral College." I lost it, it was so funny! The kids laughed at me--I was red, crying, and not able to breathe, particularly since not many of them got it. One of the kids even asked if they could get a brochure for the school! Talk about hysterical!

The title comes from a song by the same title from Oliver! Widow Corony (sp?) sings it with Mr. Bumble. When done properly, it can be quite funny! Enjoy your weeks!

1 comment:

Devon said...

Whew, that's a lot of tough things to deal with at once. I'm sorry--it sucks when life is so hard and you just have to keep doing everything that you have to do. I recommend Eva Cassidy as another good relaxing musician... and good luck with everything!