November 14, 2004

What's the buzz? Tell me what's happening!

Well, life has certainly kept me busy! However, I prefer my life to be filled with theatre, friends, etc. as I find it much more interesting than otherwise. I like getting to know new people (Though I tend to be more reserved and introverted than I think I let on. I'm much more willing to be open and extoverted than I used to.). and performing.

I've once again discovered that I am in my element where I teach. Thursday, we had off because of Veteran's Day (thanks to my numerous family members who were and still are willing to serve, btw), and school was in session again on Friday. Ick. Well, Joel (Science) and Mr. Libby (I have a hard time calling him Don, still) decided to take the 7-12 grades on a field trip for a Science/P.E. thing. Since 4 teachers were out, Jeanne and I were employed to subtitute the afternoon session in the 5th and 6th grades. We were to decide who did what. Jeanne didn't care, so I let her take over 5th. Keith Squires is a very organized teacher who has a system down pat. I had no idea what Kurt Salfrank's structure was. Jeanne was really nervous about it, so I figured Keith's would be easier for her. 6th grade was fun, but I like having students switch classes every 50 minutes. I like that I teach the same subject, and can focus on my strengths rather than my weaknesses. I like that if a class is frustrating me, I know it won't be long before I get a different bunch. I feel like the day goes faster in my classes than it ever did during my long term subbing position at CCS with the 2nd graders. Ugh! Possibly one of the most aggravating months of my life was that Feb. 2003.

The show is getting infinitely better. Stephanie, Bri Billings, Bubba and I have a Phase 10 game every night. It's a blast! Each of us has won at least once, which makes it nice. Today, I hated the game. I was stuck on Phase 3 for about 4 rounds! Ugh! My parents saw the show today, and liked it. My dad liked it! YEAH! After they saw Mattress, he came up to me and said,
"Can we make this quick? We're hungry. Oh, and can I get my camera now?" "
Sure. Did you like the show?"
"Yes. Camera?"
Feelin' the love? He was much nicer this time around.

Oh! I've now seen Bridget Jones, The Edge of Reason. It was soooooooo funny!! It didn't cover enough of the book, but the whole Thailand Prison bit takes a lot of time, so I guess that's why. It didn't deal with Jellyfish as much, Magda and Jeremy (and all the Smug Marrieds), and some other things which I desparately missed. I was not able to breathe properly during certain parts due to my laughter. Oh, and I am sadly in love with Colin Firth all over again. Not sadly because I'm actually sad, mind you. Sad because I know it could never happen, and sad that I feel like a teenager again when this happens. Feeling immature is not something I fancy.

On Thursday, a bunch of us are going to see Footloose at UNR. The Tuesday after Thanksgiving, this same group are going to see The Gondoliers. On the first of December, I'm going to CVCC's Christmas show (one of my 8th graders has the lead female part. Jim DeZerga--Minstrel from Mattress--has the lead role). Early in December, I'm going to see my church's Christmas show, where Kristen has the lead role. So much theatre, so little time . . .

The title comes from Jesus Christ Superstar. I may not love everything about that show, but overall it is worthy of your time. I thought it strange that Prof. Dennis showed us a couple of clips of the movie during the notorious 8 week quarter/semester transition Greek and Roman Classics. About as random as any Prof Hill (who made me call him Reg in London) movie/literature connection; my favorite being Beowulf to The Terminator. Ah, those NNU days . . .

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