November 08, 2004

Where is the Life that Late I Led?

I'm sad to say that Howard Keel has died. He was an amazing singer, and a fun actor to watch on the screen. My grandparents got to see him in a concert a few years ago in San Diego, and grandma said that he was just as energetic and amazing as he was on film. He was my first "celebrity crush," when I was five and watched Seven Brides for Seven Brothers for the first time. Sigh. My father is, as often is the case, right. I should have been born in 1935, then I could have appreciated him in his glory days as well.

The title comes from a song of the same title from Kiss Me Kate, which he starred in onscreen. He performed with such greats as Kathryn Grayson, Ann Miller, James Whitmore (who lived in Bishop when I did!), and a very young Bob Fosse. Ooh, and some trivia about the movie! It came out in the 1950s, during the 3-D fad. The movie was a 3-D film when it was first released. So if you've ever thought it odd that things kept getting chucked at the camera, or the people all of a sudden appeared right in front of the camera (like at the end), now you know.

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