June 23, 2004

I'll be Seeing You . . .

This title was made popular by WWII, but actually came from a musical in the 1930s, and later used in SWING! (which I saw the summer of 2000--front row and grinning like and idiot until a guy in the cast winked at me and I realized it!).

This title seemed appropriate for me tonight. Round 1 of callbacks are completed! Huzzah! I had my callback for Carousel tonight. I was there for more than three hours. I read once for Carrie, sang part of "June is Bustin' Out All Over," with everyone twice, "Mr. Snow" three times; twice with the 6 others called back for Carrie, and once by myself. Ooh! and I also got to stand in several lines so that they could compare heights of people. Sound crazy, no? I wished I could have read for the other Carrie scene, since I had some definite ideas of how it should be read and no one read the way I would have. How sad. Each one who read for Carrie only read once, so I felt good about that.

Tomorrow night I will be attending the callback for Once Upon a Mattress. I think I have a better shot of getting a lead in that show, but I really couldn't say that with much confidence. After all, I'm new. Plus, the director came up to me and said, "Did you realize that you put down that you played Dolly Tate in Hello Dolly?" She seemed amused. I was mortified. How could I mix that show up with Annie Get Your Gun? I know the mind's the first thing to kaput (according to every getting old joke), but who knew it began at 24? I'm pathetic.

Cast list goes up on Friday. I'll post tomorrow, and then the results! Cross your fingers and toes!

1 comment:

Devon said...

Hey, good luck with the auditions. Waiting is definitely the worst part, in my opinion. No, I take that back--ad libs are the worst part; waiting comes i a close second. I have confidence in you though--you are awesome... and memorable (bright red hair has to count for something!) Hey, tell me about your drive with point of grace. I may not listen to their music anymore, but I'm still obsessed with them--in a nostalgic kind of way. One more thing--what is the company that is putting on Pimpernel? I wanted to look it up on the internet and maybe get some tickets.... :)