June 04, 2004

So long, Farewell

Well, my first year of teaching is officially over as of about 9 pm last night. It is still a surreal thought to me, but the fact that I got to sleep in on a Friday was a beautiful thing. I still must finish cleaning my classroom, pick up my second to last paycheck, but then I'm FREEEEEEE! At least until I start a job, for which I am still hunting. I know, I know, I should have done something earlier about it. However with the amount of grading I had, I really didn't feel I could take the time. Last weekend would have been ideal, but I played a lot. Grandpa sang in the Senior Follies (which was awesome! Old people=cute and great entertainment), we kind of had a family reunion because aunt Denise and her boyfriend Dan (whom I love!) came up to see us. We had a blast. We helped to make a video for my cousin Will who is a sniper in Iraq right now. He's doing well there, but I have a hard time not getting scared for him. If you think about it, do pray for him. Also, for his twin, Beau, because he's joining the Coast Guard in August.

Graduation. I'm such a weeper at those things. However, I did well last night. I presented the 6th grade awards, sat through the 8th grade promotion without a tear shed. I was sent to get the three seniors to get ready for graduation. It was nice to have one last moment with just the four of us. I gave them each their cards and assured them that the entire ceremony would be fabulous. No one would throw up while giving a speech, their bladder would be able to handle the wait, etc. All of the upper grade teachers had to walk behind them and then sit on stage behind them. I made it through Beth's speech and Courtney's speech okay. I wish Jon had decided to speak, but he opted to abstain. I made it through Mr. Jordan's speech just fine (and it was definitely the best graduation speech I've ever heard!). The each got their diplomas, and I smiled proudly. Each of them gave their mothers a rose, and I thought over the roughness of the year. They came back onstage for the conclusion and turned to hug us all. I lost it. Seriously! I didn't even cry at my own high school graduation! How pathetic am I?

In a few short hours, I will be going to see Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban! Yeah! Kristen and I wanted to see a midnight showing, but none of the theaters in Reno, Carson City, Minden, or even Lake Tahoe were showing it then! Grr! Kristen and I are going with her mom, four brothers, a friend of her brothers, and Sarah Ferguson (one of my 9th graders from this year whom we both adore). It's going to be zooey. We wanted to go to the first showing at noon, but her brothers get out of school at 12:30! What with the last day of school, I'm afraid I'll want to be the evil teacher during the film. Hopefully, I won't have to!

Oh! Next weekend is the Luis Palau Festival in Reno. It was fun to go to in Boise during my Senior year, so I'm looking forward to it here. Kristen and I are working a merchandise table on Friday afternoon. I got a call last night, and apparently I was also assigned to another team (which I had no clue about!). I've called the lady back to find out more, because I don't mind helping, but it sounds as though I may be working with some of the musicians! If I get to meet Point of Grace (which I'm truly excited to see), I'll be thrilled. It'll be awesome!

I also may be working with Drama during our VBS this year. How fun! I hope that I can.

So, I'll continue my song and wish that all of my seniors and 8th graders from this year who are not returning will have a great life with wonderful experiences. The 8th graders who are returning, I'm truly looking forward to seeing each of you again. Auf Wiedersehn, goodbye!

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