June 13, 2005

525,000 moments so dear . . .

So, school, graduation, etc. are all done. Huh. I have just finished cleaning my junior high classroom. I think I'm saving my high school classroom for tomorrow. My tub has run out of room. And then, my career as a teacher at CCS is over. Wow. Who would've thought.

It was wonderful, I admit, to have a weekend where I had no grading, lesson planning, ANYTHING to do which was related to school. I got to play instead! I saw Butterflies are Free at the BAC. I went to Hana's graduation. I went to Barnes and Noble. I watched movies. I cleaned my room some. I cleaned up the Jesse's house prior to leaving (there wasn't much to do outside of vacuuming Toulle's hair). I slept in--gratefully! I began to reread The Magician's Nephew (I've decided to reread the entire Chronicles of Narnia this summer as it's been years since I've read any of them and do love them. I started with this one, because even C.S. Lewis himself recommended doing so.).

Oh, so the two people who wanted to be interviewed have put up their answers to my questions. If you'd like to read them, here's where you'll find them. Leoney is at http://damonkeyprince.blogspot.com/. His answers are under the post titled "Thanks Lynette". Kelly also rose to the challenge. Her blog is http://rohanrider331.blogspot.com/. The post is called Interview (by Lynette). It certainly was interesting for me to read these answers of these two wonderful friends o' mine. I like getting to know more about people. People fascinate me, and I love knowing as much as I can about anything. Call me a nerd if you will, I fully admit to being so. And guess what? I also like it! So there!

I didn't cry at graduation this year, but I did afterward. It was hard to say goodbye to my students. I actually made some of them cry! Nubia hugged me for approximately 3 full minutes, even when I was encouraging her and making her laugh at the same time. Before I announced the awards for 8th grade (my homeroom this year), I had to say something about them. I said something to the effect of "This class has really been the most interesting I've ever encountered. They've challenged me, frustrated me, and made me laugh on a daily basis. I thank God for each of them, and I know He's given them all so much potential. I'm excited to see what they do for they are all very talented. I truly love each of them." After I said the last part, I looked over at them. Many of them were tearing up and all of them said a collective "Awww!" Tess said I was the only reason she cried throughout the entire ceremony. Ashlee N., the valedictorian, gave a great speech. I have to admit I felt tears welling up as she spoke, because I am so proud of that girl. Also because she devoted a huge chunk of the speech to praising me! Apparently I've had a huge impact in her life.

I often wonder what impression I leave these students with. Will my having been a teacher stay with them? Will they look back fondly? Will they be grateful to never have me again? Was I truly effective in my teaching methods? Did I inspire them? Did I teach them anything valuable about life? How will the remember me 15 years from now?

This title comes from the song "Seasons of Love," from the show Rent. Honestly, I'm not overly fond of this show, and think the song is a bit overdone. But it seemed appropriate for this post.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No more school! No more books! No more students' dirty looks! :)

I'm sure your influence in your students' lives will last a long long time. At the very least, they will have fond memories of school and that's worth a lot.

Sounds like you are rightfully enjoying your summer. Yay!