June 21, 2005

Summertime and the livin' is easy

Mmmm . . . I felt so drained from school, that last week's relaxing has thoroughly refreshed me. Unfortunately it cannot last, but for now . . . mmmm. I love taking walks. Reading. Napping. Not worrying about school.

Although I had to go in and do yearbook stuff in addition to my cleaning the classroom. That's all done, though! Woo-hoo pour moi!

I've got all of my stuff turned in to both the Carson City School District and the Douglas County School District. Yup, I'm going public, baby! To be paid more (provided I get a job) would be a wonderful thing indeed. To recieve benefits would be a wonder beyond imagination. To get paid extra for extracurricular activites would be divine.

And, I've got a good lead! Last week, I got a voicemail from the principal at Pau-Wa-Lu Middle School in Minden! She pulled my application out from their files (I applied to the district when I first moved here) and apparently liked what she saw. Her Drama teacher is leaving, and so she screened the applications, choosing 3 candidates for the position--and I was one of them! I went to the school yesterday and they interviewed me then (though I wasn't expecting it!). The current drama teacher showed me around the stage briefly as well as the classroom. I'll find out at the end of the week whether or not I'll move on in the interview process. I feel okay about how I did. I'm hoping I did well. I don't feel like I loused anything up, though. The interview itself lasted about an hour and a half or so. I was there for 2 hours. They also may need me to teach summer school this year. We shall see . . . I must say, I hope it works out, though.

So that is all that is happening in my life to date. Lovely laziness. Interviews. Shrew rehearsals. My internet being the slowest, most frustrating thing ever since I came back from the Jesse's. It took me 20 minutes to find out I had no e-mails the other day. Urgh!

The title of this post comes from the song "Summertime" from the only opera the Gershwin brothers wrote, Porgy and Bess.

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