June 03, 2005


Last night, I felt like I did a fairly kick butt job at callbacks. I read about three times for Tzeitel, which was more than anyone else. Yeah! I also had them cracking up with the part I had to sing from "Matchmaker." It was the imitation of Yente part. I actually got applause (when people usually wait for the whole group to finish individual things). HUZZAH!!!!!!!!!

After I read and sang for Tzeitel, they had the Hodels go up and sing. They hadn't called me back for it, but asked me to sing for her anyway. If I got Hodel, that would be oh so very awesome. She would be the most fun sister to play. She's spunky, smart, and sings more than the others. When they were putting us into families (Tevye and daughters), I was with some people I think they were looking at pretty seriously. Hmmmmm . . .

So, why the agony? They're supposed to post the results. This morning. They haven't. It's 5 minutes to noon. If it's not up in 5 minutes, they've LIED!!!!!!!! I actally still don't care what I get, I just want the suspense to be over. I'm still not overly passionate about any role. Anything would be fun.

The title is from the song "Agony" which is from Into the Woods.

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